With the Kirby back in Ladysmith, BC, it's time for Dayton's first sail without me onboard.. Proud of him to be such a good sailor. Off we go, September sun overhead, good forecast as far as sunshine but little wind. Good training ground for him and his buddy....
Shop trip, Marina, loads into the dinghy and off they go to the Kirby where we left it... I'm loading my boat at the slip, unplug and S and I push off.. What follows is two says of light sailing, watching my son sail from my boat.. Spinnakers, sunsets and nightly bbq's....
Amazing snorkel around Ragged islets.. Fish and crab are plenty.. Tomorrow Hawaiian sling time.
Big weekend when you watch your kid sail off on your first sailboat and do amazing. Especially liked the text with the spinnaker under the sun!