We sailed her from Nanaimo to Mill Bay, BC where I sailed her all around the gulf islands including Saltspring Island, Thetis Kuper, etc.. Eventually I moved her to my property in Sooke where she lives now tethered to a buoy in front of my house. She is fast with her full race rig, fractional sloop. The Juan De Fuca is her playground and where I slowly built my skills in the bigger water. A bucking bronco, she is.

My sons both have become very strong sailors as they would have too, being my boys. I hope that in the future, the seeds I have planted on the water grow to a passion in them as well. We honed our skills for many years on Sooke Basin and the Juan De Fuca... She rides strong and fast in the 5-8 ft swells and the directional but sometimes gusty 15-25knt wind. The Basin offers an unbelievably nice moorage in front of my house. Never raced her but her fractional rig and fully adjustable mast tensioning made her a great learning vessel.
The dream continued to grow with thoughts of sailing over the horizon to far off lands. The Kirby is too small...
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